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Cod with Castelvetrano Olives and Capers

Cod is a delicate and flakey fish and one of my favourites to eat. Growing up in an Italian household cod just has a special place in your heart and kitchen. There are so many ways to prepare cod and this is just one way. I love the olive and caper mixture with this recipe and they really compliment the cod adding a ton of flavour but not overpowering enough to take away from the cod. Hope you enjoy this fish dish, now say that ten times fast!


Recipe by Mark Calaminici | Food Loves Company

Serves 2


2 cod fillets 1lb or 200g each fillet

2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

Salt, to taste

Freshly cracked pepper, to taste

4 tbsp. unsalted butter

1 small shallot, finely diced

3 cloves of garlic, whole and smashed

¼ cup of white wine or stock

20g or 2 tbsp. capers, rinsed and chopped

100g or about 1 cup Castelvetrano olives, pitted and roughly chopped

Calabrian chili paste or chili flakes, to taste

Juice of half a lemon

Zest of half a lemon

8g or 2 tbsp. fresh parsley, finely chopped


1. In a large frying pan over medium to high heat, heat 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil.

2. Blot cod with paper towel to dry it and season with salt and freshly cracked pepper on both sides. Add the cod and with a spatula press down on each fillet for a few seconds so help create a bottom sear and to help develop a crust. Cook for 3-4 minutes on the first side, cooking time depends on thickness of fish. Do not touch the flip until you are ready to flip. Flip the fish and add butter. Baste with the butter to finish cooking and then remove fish. You can place the fish in an oven on low heat to keep warm, or add the fish back to the pan when the sauce is finished to reheat.

3. In the same pan, add shallots, and garlic and sauté until tender. Deglaze with white wine and add capers, olives and cook until the wine has reduced and everything has softened. Just before the sauce is done add lemon juice, lemon zest and parlsey. Mix to combine everything and plate with some of the sauce on the plate, add fish on top and top with more mixture. Enjoy

Until next time, ciao!


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